Monday, 27 January 2014

Blonde: dyed or natural?

Blonde is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as simply having hair of a fair or pale yellow colour. Blonde hair is determined by the levels of the pigment eumelanin. But many women dye their hair with the aid of peroxide and dyes. Very Blonde hair is most common in infants and children. Around the age of adolescents, blonde hair begins to get progressively darker and most of the time turns brunette. Its is in very few situations that blonde hair stays its original colour from childhood.
In recent years scientists have been lead to believe that the blonde gene is in decline and is thought to be extinct by the year 2202.  Due to recent studies in Germany , scientists believe that there is not enough of the blonde gene left in the world to last the next two centuries.
The theory behind this astonishing statement is thought to be because of bleached, dyed and bottle blonde hair. so, even though it seems that there are an abundance of blonde haired people around us, infact most of these people arent nautural blondes. statistrics show that on average 1 in 3 american women dye their hair blonde. But why do women feel the need to dye their hair blonde ? what is the attraction? is it that blondes have more fun ? or are men infact more attracted to blonde hair.

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